Ethanol Damage Prevention


Shield Your Equipment from Ethanol Damage with Bell Performance

Ethanol, present in many modern fuel blends, poses significant risks to rubber and plastic components within engines and fuel systems. This biofuel additive is known for its corrosive effects on vehicles, boats, and small engine equipment such as lawnmowers, ATVs, and chainsaws. Additionally, ethanol can compromise the lubrication in 2-cycle engines, which are common in lawn equipment, leading to accelerated wear and potential failure.

Recognizing the challenges posed by 10% to 15% ethanol blends, Bell Performance has developed targeted solutions to combat the adverse effects of ethanol since 2009. Our products are specifically designed to protect a wide range of applications, ensuring your equipment continues to operate efficiently and lasts longer.

Featured Bell Performance Products:

  • Ethanol Defense: This all-purpose ethanol treatment offers comprehensive protection for any engine type. It safeguards against the corrosive effects of ethanol, prevents phase separation, and ensures that all rubber and plastic components within the fuel system remain intact and functional.
  • Bellicide: For stored fuels that may degrade due to ethanol's affinity for water, Bellicide offers a robust solution by eliminating microbial growth in fuel tanks, further protecting against ethanol-induced issues.
  • DFS Plus: As a commercial-grade water controller, DFS Plus addresses one of ethanol's major drawbacks—its tendency to attract and absorb water, which can lead to fuel system issues and decreased performance.

Whether you are maintaining a car, truck, boat, or small engine, incorporating Bell Performance products into your routine ensures that your equipment remains protected from the damaging effects of ethanol. Use Ethanol Defense or Mix-I-Go for complete peace of mind, knowing that your fuel system is safeguarded against this pervasive challenge.

Ethanol Defense

6 products

Mix-I-Go Small Engine Formula

3 products