Mix-I-Go and Ethanol Defense Product Family

Treat Them with Mix-I-Go or Ethanol Defense

It's even more important than ever before to treat E10 and E15 ethanol-blend fuels with a quality fuel additive.

So what's a consumer to do? Since it's nearly impossible to find ethanol-free gas, the only other option is to prevent problems with the best fuel treatments for ethanol on the market today.

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So what’s in a name? The name Mix-I-Go is the father of the automobile fuel additive industry in the United States and has come to mean quality and commercial-grade performance for everyone who uses it, whether Sunday driver or commercial fleets running on ethanol.

Today, there is a Mix-I-Go formulation for whatever you need to treat. Mix-I-Go can be used in any kind of gasoline-powered engine, and are especially suitable for engines and vehicles burning any of the ethanol blends in the marketplace today. If you want the best all-purpose gasoline fuel additives for regular use in most applications, Mix-I-Go is the one for you! Mix-I-Go is available in a range of products specific to your needs. Mix-i-Go Small Engine Formula and Marine MXO bring the power of Mix-I-Go to your equipment with 2-cycle engines and watercraft.

And what's in the Ethanol Defense name? Only the best multi-function ethanol treatment combined with the best commercial-grade water controller and absorbers on the market today.